Friday 12 July 2019

Johnny Young - 1967 - Lady WAVE

Lady/Good Evening Girl/Going Out Of My Head/Willy Nilly

One of the most popular performers to leave Western Australia to become
one of Australia’s top performers and comperes.

Originally born in Holland, His family migrated to Australia where he lived in Kalamunda.Perth.W.A.

Young’s career started in Perth compering and singing on his home state TV show – CLUB 17.

Formed his backing group ‘The Kompany’ with many changes during the run. In Perth he was signed to Martin Clark’s Clarion Label with two hits to his credit.

Probably mainly known for the song ‘CARA-LYN’ and ‘STEP BACK’ the latter by Stevie Wright and George Young from The Easybeats in 1966. He became King of Pop in Australia taking the crown from Normie Rowe. He compared the ‘Go Show’ and also compared the well known
‘Young Talent Time’.

Young’s career could be decribed as incredible not only for writing one of the most recognised songs ‘The Real Thing’ by Russell Morris.

His show ‘Young Talent Time’ was no fluke as he took the show to the top from 1969 to 1989, a near 20 year run and an abrubtly cancelled
show by the Ten network.

Johnny Young may be looked at in many ways with his singing, TV shows, and his Young Talent Schools, no one can say he ever under achieved.

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