Monday 25 April 2016

X - 1978 - Home Is Where The Floor Is

Home Is Where The Floor Is/T.V. Cabaret Roll/Good On Ya Baby/Hate City

Ian Rilen formed X with Steve Lucas on guitar and vocals in the late 1970s. Ian Krahe also played guitar and was renowned for having blood on his hands from playing without a guitar pick. Steve Cafiero rounded out the orinal four-piece lineup on drums. The band's first lineup change occurred when guitarist Ian Krahe died, reducing the band to three members for their first album, ''X-Aspirations'.' Recorded in 5 hours at Trafalgar Studios in Sydney, the album has been listed in the book 100 Best Australian Albums. The band split up shortly after the album's 1980 release.

Ian Rilen went on to play form the post punk outfit Sardine v with then-wife, Stephanie Rilen during X's first hiatus from 1980–83. X reformed in the early 1980s for a tour organised by then manager Nick Chance and booking agent Gerrard Schlager. Drummer Steve Cafiero had always said he would not go to Melbourne and when advised of tour dates, stuck to his word and refused to go, citing family commitments and his career in real estate. Canberra-based drummer Cathy Green was a huge fan of the band and, already knowing the songs, replaced Cafiero for the Melbourne tour on a few days notice. Not long after that, Cafiero died when injected with a dye prior to an X-ray for a back complaint, and Cathy became a permanent member of X. The band's second album, At Home With You (1985) was recorded in Melbourne at Richmond Recorders. The album stayed in Ausrralia's top 20 Independent charts for 29 months. A third album, X And More (1989) followed, and like the previou albums, was produced by Lobby Loyde who had been in the hard rock group Rose Tattoo with Ian Rilen in 1979–1980.

1 comment:

  1. Another Australian gem I hadn't heard of when I got up this morning...
