Monday, 5 October 2015

Gaynor Bunning - Sings Her Six Big Hits

Milord/My First Love And Last Love/It’s You That I Love/Unlock Those Chains/Is It All Over Now/I Wish I Could Shimmy Like My Sister Kate

Born in Adelaide, South Australia.

Gaynor Bunning was one of the first of the Adelaide TV stars to travel interstate that included Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne sometimes twice a week singing at the leading hotels in Adelide and the other Ausralian states mentioned plus top TV programmes.

Gaynor appeared on Ernie Sigley's Teenage Mailbag, Sunnyside Up & Bandstand T.V. Shows. Bobby Limb placed Gaynor under contract as top vocalist. ADS7 featured her regularly in The Moores Show.

Gaynor is known for her spots at top line The Lido and Havana night clubs in Adelaide during her career. One of Adelaides best entertainers at the time.

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