Thursday, 2 July 2015

Tony Brady - 1963 - Big Things Are Happening

Big Things Are Happening/I Have To Laugh/Penny For Your Thoughts/Golden Boy

Tony Brady began singing in the late fifties as a dance band vocalist. His main claim to fame, initially, was the fact that he looked and sounded like Frank Sinatra. In 1960, he worked with vocal group the Graduates for a five month period, during which time they toured with the Fabian Show. Then in January 1961, at the age of twenty-three, he signed with CBS Coronet Records, and released his first single “Angel In A Red And White Scarf”. The song sold moderately well. Later in the year he scored a hit with “Big Things Are Happening”. Also in the early part of 1961, he hosted a national Friday night radio show on the ABC called Mainstream For Moderns. Tony hit the charts again in March 1962, with “A Penny For Your Thoughts”. Later in the year he embarked on a tour of Asia.

Tony changed labels to RCA and went on to release more records, including “Let’s Stomp Australia Way” (written by Barry Gibb and Johnny Devlin) but over the next couple of years, further chart success eluded him. His RCA label backing group were called The Coronets. Eventually when the hits died up Tony went into management and was a promotions officer with Col Joye's agency


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